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Happy New year…a little late.

4 Mar

Yes, it is a late start to my 2015 as far as blogging goes. I really wanted to do this once a month but that has not happened. Never to late to try again, right? So much has happened since last August….birthdays, thanksgiving, Christmas, a Colorado vacation, a new grandson and the list goes on. One other thing ongoing is that I am training for a 5K! Yes, you read right. I always wanted to run some kind of race and planned on doing it before I turned 40, well now after turning 50, here goes! I joined a running group and my run is March 22nd, so far I have managed not to die trying and I am determined to finish the race well!  Sarah and Nate’s wedding is approaching fast and we are so excited. He bridal shower is March 21st and lots of fun is planned. We are so blessed to have my sister, Ann and her husband Rob, from South Africa, here to celebrate the wedding with us too! Baby Caleb Robert Sistrunk was born February 3rd to Jeremy and Kristen, we are blessed to have our second grandson here to enjoy alongside August. God has been so faithful to us, the phrase that He shared with me for this year is: ” I want to love you more.” At first I thought, how can God love me more, He already loves me as much as He can? Then He showed me that it was for me to say as I walked through each day ~ love needs to increase in my heart towards those around me, as He loves me, I need to love others! I pray that I see people the way God sees them, I need the Fathers heart beating in me. Please share your dreams and hope with me as we walk out this year together!

Here are some pictures to look at: Christmas 2014  Caleb’s Shower August’s 2nd Birthday









