Festivities, Fun and Family

14 Dec

November was a great month with our family visiting Wichita, Ks. for a few days and then having a great Thanksgiving in our home with some friends. This has been a great December too with my sister, Ann and her husband, Rob arriving from South Africa for a 6 week visit!  The first thing we did after unpacking and having a good nights sleep, was off to the mall to have a family portrait taken.  It was very successful and lots of fun was had by all.  The weather has been rather chilly this month so watching over our plants and pipes has been exciting!  My sister and her hubby went to LA for a week and we did some much needed Christmas shopping.  This past Sunday we had our Christmas play at the church, which Kristen wrote and directed – it was amazing and ministered to us all.  Then that evening we went to watch the Riverdance at the Bass Concert Hall downtown.  It was such a great night of entertainment and we loved every minute of it.  So much is planned with my birthday and Rob’s this month, Christmas and then off to Port Arkansas for a week.  Things for our home are moving along, we just need a buyer for ours now, so say a prayer.  House decorated, brownies cooked, dinner eaten and wheel of fortune, what more could we ask for tonight as we sit around and chat away ~

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